0 Lunicus 1 0 100 Restarting 101 [paused] 102 monochrome 103 16 colors 104 256 colors 105 %d-bit color 106 Lunicus requires that your display use 256 colors or more, preferably at 640x480 resolution. Currently, your display is using %s at %dx%d resolution. 107 Choose "Ok" to have Lunicus change your display settings and restart Windows, or choose "Cancel" to return to Windows. 108 Change Display Settings? 109 Lunicus runs best when your display is using 256 colors at 640x480 resolution. Currently, your display is using %s at %dx%d resolution. 110 Choose "Yes" to have Lunicus change your display settings and restart Windows, or choose "No" to play Lunicus with your current display settings (Lunicus will run, but may lose performance and appear small on your monitor). 111 Choose "Cancel" to return to Windows. 112 Lunicus requires that your display use 256 colors or more. Currently, your display is using %s. Choose "Ok" to have Lunicus change your display settings and restart Windows, or choose "Cancel" to return to Windows. 113 Lunicus runs best when your display is using 256 colors. Currently, your display is using %s. Choose "Yes" to have Lunicus change your display settings and restart Windows, or choose "No" to play Lunicus with your current display settings 114 (Lunicus will run, but some performance may be lost). Choose "Cancel" to return to Windows. 115 Lunicus runs best when your display resolution is 640x480. Currently, your display is %dx%d. Choose "Yes" to have Lunicus change your display settings and restart Windows, or choose "No" to play Lunicus with your current display settings 116 (Lunicus will run, but may appear small on your monitor). Choose "Cancel" to return to Windows. 117 Lunicus requires that your display use 256 colors or more. Currently, your display is using %s. Consult the documentation that came with your video card for information on installing a 256 color Windows display driver. Choose "Ok" to return to Windows. 118 Unsupported Display Settings 119 Lunicus runs best when your display is using 256 colors. Currently, your display is using %s. Lunicus will run, but performance will be lost. Choose "Ok" to continue or "Cancel" to return to Windows. 120 Warning 121 Lunicus runs best when your display resolution is 640x480. Currently, your display resolution is %dx%d. Lunicus will run, but may appear small on your monitor. Choose "Ok" to continue or "Cancel" to return to Windows. 122 LUNICUS:DAY1:MOLOTOV.1 123 Please insert the Lunicus CD in your computer's CD-ROM drive and choose "Ok" to continue or "Cancel" to return to Windows. 124 Can't Find CD 125 Lunicus runs best on a double-speed or faster CD-ROM drive (300 KB/sec). Your CD-ROM drive has an average speed of %d KB/sec. Lunicus will still run, but some performance will be lost. Choose "Ok" to continue or "Cancel" to return to Windows. 126 Slow CD-ROM Drive 127 Lunicus requires a multimedia sound card that supports 22kHz audio at eight or sixteen bits per sample. No such device could be detected in your system. 128 If you have a sound card installed, consult the documentation that came with it for instructions on installing Windows drivers. Choose "Ok" to return to Windows. 129 Sound Error 130 Lunicus will not run on Windows versions before 3.1. To think that it would run on Windows %sversion %d.%02d is laughable. I'm surprised you even tried. Choose "Ok" to return to Windows. 131 Mouldy Windows 132 Lunicus requires Windows version 3.1, Windows 95, or Windows NT version 3.51 or greater. Currently, you're using Windows %sversion 3.%02d. Choose "Ok" to return to Windows. 133 Unsupported Windows Version 134 Lunicus requires Windows version 3.1, Windows 95, or Windows NT version 3.51 or greater. Currently, you're using Windows NT version %d.%02d (build %d). Choose "Ok" to return to Windows. 135 Lunicus requires at least 32 free file handles to run. Your machine currently has only %d file handles available. To increase the number of file handles available, edit your CONFIG.SYS file and change the "FILES=" line to read "FILES=64". 136 If you have no "FILES=" line, add the line "FILES=64" at the beginning of the file. Choose "Ok" to return to Windows. 137 Not Enough File Handles 138 Your computer does not have enough memory available to run Lunicus. Close any unneeded applications and select "Ok" to try again, or select "Cancel" to return to Windows. 139 Out Of Memory 140 Shell_TrayWnd 141 Lunicus will now exit Windows and restart your computer with the new display settings. To restore your display after you've finished playing, use the Display icon in the Control Panel. 142 Lunicus requires Microsoft's graphics accelerator software, WinG, to be installed. Please consult your installation instructions for information on installing WinG. Choose "Ok" to return to Windows. 143 Graphics Error 144 Lunicus has encountered a disc read error (code %d). Be sure your Lunicus CD is in your computer's CD-ROM drive and that it is clean and free of scratches. 145 Disc Read Error 146 Lunicus has encountered a disc seek error (code %d). Be sure your Lunicus CD is in your computer's CD-ROM drive and that it is clean and free of scratches. 147 Disc Seek Error 148 Saved games (.LUN)!*.lun!! 149 Text files (.TXT)!*.txt!! 150 Movies (.MOV)!*.mov!! 151 Star files (.STR)!*.str!! 152 Information 153 Question 154 Lunicus can't find the file "BootFile" in the Lunicus directory on your hard drive. Check your installation and re-install if necessary (Error line %d, code %ld) 155 Lunicus cannot find a file. Be sure the Lunicus CD is in your computer's CD-ROM drive (Error line %d, code %ld) 156 Lunicus has run out of file handles. Refer to your install guide for instructions or increase the FILES= line in your CONFIG.SYS file (Error line %d, code %ld) 157 Lunicus has run out of memory. Close any unneeded applications (Error line %d, code %ld) 158 Attempt to write to a write-protected disc (Error line %d, code %ld) 159 Drive not ready error. Make sure that your Lunicus CD is in your computer's CD-ROM drive and that it is clean and free of scratches (Error line %d, code %ld) 160 Data read error. Make sure that your Lunicus CD is in your computer's CD-ROM drive and that it is clean and free of scratches (Error line %d, code %ld) 161 Drive seek error. Make sure that your Lunicus CD is in your computer's CD-ROM drive and that it is clean and free of scratches (Error line %d, code %ld) 162 Sector not found error. Make sure that your Lunicus CD is in your computer's CD-ROM drive and that it is clean and free of scratches (Error line %d, code %ld) 163 Sharing violation. The file is in use by another application (Error line %d, code %ld) 164 Disk full. There is no free space on the disk. Delete unneeded files and try again (Error line %d, code %ld) 165 Invalid parameter. Win32s is not configured correctly. Refer to your install guide for instructions or contact Technical Support (Error line %d, code %ld) 166 Invalid parameter. Windows is not configured correctly. Refer to your install guide for instructions or contact Technical Support (Error line %d, code %ld) 167 Disc not found error. Please make sure your Lunicus CD is in your computer's CD-ROM drive (Error line %d, code %ld) 168 Bad star file size at line %d (code %ld) 169 Memory error at line %d (code %ld) 170 Bad star file version at line %d (code %ld) 171 File error at line %d (code %ld) 172 Text error at line %d (code %ld) 173 Bad lock use count at line %d (code %ld) 174 Logic error at line %d (code %ld) 175 Virtual cache error at line %d (code %ld) 176 Bad pack use count at line %d (code %ld) 177 Defx error at line %d (code %ld) 178 Bad file type at line %d (code %ld) 179 Undefined error at line %d (code %ld) 180 . Select Ok to continue, or Cancel to return to Windows. 181 Fatal Error 182 Exiting due to a fatal error. 1000 ENEMY TARGET DESTROYED 1001 DANGER: ENEMY AHEAD 1002 DANGER: ENEMY ON LEFT 1003 DANGER: ENEMY ON RIGHT 1004 DANGER: ENEMY BEHIND 1005 ENEMY TARGET AQUIRED 1006 ENEMY TARGET EVASIVE 1007 CAUTION: AMMO LOW 1008 CAUTION: SHIELDS LOW 1009 DANGER: AMMO OUT 1010 DANGER: SHIELDS DOWN 1011 CAUTION: BIO STATUS CRITICAL 1012 DANGER: BIO STATUS TERMINAL 1013 SHIELDS AT FULL POWER 1014 BIO STATUS OK 1015 AMMO FULLY LOADED 1016 PULSE GUN ACQUIRED 1017 PULSE GUN STORED 1018 CABINET EMPTY 1019 CABINET CONTAINS GRENADES 1020 CABINET CONTAINS ROCKETS 1021 CABINET CONTAINS SHELLS 1022 CABINET CONTAINS SHIELDS 1023 CABINET CONTAINS ENERGY BARS 1024 CABINET CONTAINS ALIEN ARTIFACT 1025 CABINET LOCKED 1026 CYBER SUIT ACQUIRED 1027 CYBER SUIT STORED 1028 LEAVING FLOOR: 1029 ENTERING FLOOR: 1030 ELEVATOR DOOR JAMMED 1031 INAPPROPRIATE BEDTIME 1032 CABINET CONTAINS PLASMA 1033 FILE CABINET LOCKED 1034 DESK EMPTY 1035 COMPUTER OFF LINE 1036 NOT AN EXIT 1037 NO ENTRANCE 1038 NOTHING IN DESK 1039 NO UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS 1040 TRANSFORMER OPERATING CORRECTLY 1041 HYDROPONICS IN PROCESS 1042 PRIVATE BED 1043 BRIEFING OVER 1044 CABINET SUPPLIES REPLENISHED 1045 TRANSPORTER CURRENTLY IN RECEIVE MODE 1046 ENTERING: LOS ANGELES 1047 ENTERING: TOKYO 1048 ENTERING: MOSCOW 1049 ENTERING: ENGINEERING DECK 1050 ENTERING: HIVE 1100 BEGINNER 1101 INTERMEDIATE 1102 ADVANCED 1103 EXPERT 1104 (None) 1105 moonday2Alevel 1106 moonday2Blevel 1107 city2level 1108 build2Alevel 1109 build2Blevel 1110 moonday3Alevel 1111 moonday3Blevel 1112 city3level 1113 build3Alevel 1114 build3Blevel 1115 moonday4Alevel 1116 moonday4Blevel 1117 city4level 1118 build4Alevel 1119 build4Blevel 1120 moonday5Alevel 1121 moonday5Blevel 1122 defend5Alevel 1123 defend5Blevel 1124 attack5Alevel 1125 attack5Blevel 1126 attack5Clevel 1127 Scores 1128 lunicus.sco 1129 Beginner 1130 Intermediate 1131 Advanced 1132 Expert 1133 Empty 1134 Empty 1208 The high scores file cannot be opened. 1209 The high scores file cannot be closed. 1210 The saved game file cannot be opened. 1211 The saved game file cannot be closed.